KRYAS project for the thermal transformation of asbestos containing wastes.

In collaboration with Zetadi srl

Seminal papers on this topic:

A. F. Gualtieri, C. Cavenati, I. Zanatto, M. Meloni, G. Elmi, M. Lassinantti Gualtieri (2008) The transformation sequence of cement-asbetsos slates up to 1200 °C and safe recycling of the transformation product in stoneware tile mixtures. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 152, 563-570.

Giantomassi, A.F. Gualtieri, L. Santarelli, M. Tomasetti, G. Lusvardi, G. Lucarini, M. Governa, A. Pugnaloni (2010) Biological effects and comparative cytotoxicity of thermal transformed asbestos-containing materials in human alveolar epithelial cell line. Toxicology in vitro, 24, 1521-1531.

A.F. Gualtieri, C. Giacobbe, L. Sardisco, M. Saraceno, M. Lassinantti Gualtieri, G. Lusvardi, C. Cavenati, I. Zanatto (2011) Recycling of the product of thermal inertization of cement-asbestos for various industrial applications. Waste Management, 31, 91-100.

A. F. Gualtieri, M. Boccaletti (2011) Recycling of the product of thermal inertization of cement-asbestos for the production of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 25, 3561-3569.

Viani, A.F. Gualtieri (2013) Recycling of the product of thermal transformation of cement-asbestos for the preparation of calcium sulfoaluminate clinker. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 260, 813-818.

Ligabue, M. L., Gualtieri, A. F., Gualtieri, M. L., Malferrari, D., & Lusvardi, G. (2020). Recycling of thermally treated cement-asbestos for the production of porcelain stoneware slabs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 247, 119084 (NEW!!).


1) Brevetto italiano N. 0001368771 “Processo per la trasformazione termica di lastre di cemento- amianto utilizzando un forno continuo” Inventore: A.F. Gualtieri, Proprietario: ZETADI srl., Data di deposito 26 giugno 2006.

2) Brevetto italiano N. 0001369654 “Formulazione di un impasto ceramico da grès porcellanato cotto a bassa temperatura”, Inventore: A.F. Gualtieri, Proprietario: Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Data di deposito 11 settembre 2006.

3) European patent EP2027943 “Industrial process for the direct temperature induced recrystallization of asbestos and/or mineral fibres containing waste products using a tunnel kiln and recycling”, Inventori: A.F. Gualtieri, I. Zanatto, M. Boccaletti; Proprietario: ZETADI srl. Filing date July 31, 2007.

4) Brevetto italiano N. 0001400796 “Utilizzo del cemento-amianto inertizzato termicamente come materia prima secondaria per la produzione di calcestruzzo”, Inventori: A.F. Gualtieri, I. Zanatto, M. Boccaletti Proprietario: ZETADI srl., Data di deposito 24 giugno 2010.

5) European patent EP2412688, ”Concrete mixture comprising thermally inactivated cement- asbestos“ Inventori: A.F. Gualtieri, I. Zanatto, M. Boccaletti; Proprietario: ZETADI srl. Filing date June 23, 2011.

Web site

Application of the life cycle assessment (LCA) to the thermal transformation of ACMs (by Scarpellini Simone)

SEE a recent life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed using the One Click LCA™ software developed by Bionova® for LCA and LCC (Life-Cycle Costing) processing, with the aim to compare the aspects, in terms of resource use and environmental releases, associated with three different situations: (a) the existing situation with the ACM still on-site (e.g. corrugated cement-asbestos sheets still mounted on the roofs of civil/industrial buildings); (b) removal of the ACM and disposal of the hazardous waste in controlled landfills; (c) removal of the ACM, thermal treatment of the hazardous waste and recycling of the transformation product by Simone Scarpellini: Analisi ambientale ed economica della mappatura, rimozione e trattamento di materiali contenti amianto (MCA) – in Italian. The PDF file of the presentation  (Webinar dell’Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, 11/03/2020 – Sviluppi metodologici del LCT applicato alle aree urbane e al settore rifiuti): Scarpellini 2020

Referenza: LCA of asbestos-containing wastes produced in the municipalities of an Italian region (2019) Simone Scarpellini, Anna Maria Ferrari, Paolo Neri, Alessandro F. Gualtieri. ECOMONDO The Green technology EXPO 24th, Edition, Rimini (Italy) 5-8 11 2019. Oral (abstract ECOMONDO).