SPIN-OFF UNIMORE Mineralogical Solutions
ref. Prof. R. Arletti
University of Auckland, New Zealand – Waipata Taumata Rau
ref: Prof. Martin Brook
Project title: Erionite in New Zealand.
Alfa solutions S.p.A.
ref: Dott. Filippo Da Val
Project title: mineral fibres.
ref: Dott. Domenico Barani
Project title: Balcanian clays.
Project title: Trasformazione termica e riciclo di RCA.
ref: Dr. Andrea Bloise
Project title: Methods of transformation and recycling of ACMs
KERAKOLL, Sassuolo Italy
ref: Dr. Simone Ferrari
Project title: Caratterizzazione quali-quantitativa di materie prime naturali contenenti fibre minerali (Study of raw materials contaminated with mineral fibres)
Centro di Ricerca sul Cancro Cesare Maltoni (CRCCM) – Istituto Ramazzini, Bentivoglio Bologna, Italy
ref: Dott.ssa Fiorella Belpoggi
Project research: Study of the structure/microstructure modifications of the mineral fibers in contact with the rats’ and humans’ tissues
MCP Modena Centro Prove S.r.l., Modena, Italy
ref. Dott.ssa Elisabetta Sola
Collaboration topic: Mineralogical quantitative phase analysis with the Rietveld method.
Consorzio Artigiani Cavatori S.R.L. Valrosera Sondrio e SERPENTINO e GRANITI, Chiuro, Italy
ref. Sig. Pietro Cabello
Collaboration topic: Serpentine rocks.
Zetadi s.r.l.
ref. Sig. Cinzia Cavenati, Ivano Zanatto
Collaboration topic: Transformation and recycling of hazardous wastes.